Custom host sitemaps

August 29, 2023

Glowing, pink sitemap icon

We recently released getSitemap, a first-class way to create a sitemap for the pages you have built in a Makeswift custom host . The return type of getSitemap is:

type Sitemap = {
  id: string
  loc: string
  lastmod?: string
  changefreq?: 'always' | 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly' | 'never'
  priority?: number
  alternateRefs?: {
    hreflang: string
    href: string

It includes everything you need to create the XML response yourself, but you can also pass this data directly into next-sitemap's getServerSideSitemapLegacy to create the XML automatically.

type Sitemap = {
  id: string
  loc: string
  lastmod?: string
  changefreq?: 'always' | 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly' | 'never'
  priority?: number
  alternateRefs?: {
    hreflang: string
    href: string

For more details check out our new docs section on creating a sitemap.

Improvements & fixes

  • Added a variable min-width to the RichText control in `Inline` mode.

  • Added default lorem ipsum text to RichText controls similar to how the Text component works.

  • Moved “Edit URL” form to the Page tab in the right sidebar.

  • Added a preview for the resulting URL in the “Edit URL” form.

  • Added a label property to the custom font declarations API.

  • Created an update notice that is triggered when you attempt to use an out-of-date RichText control.

  • Optimized the left sidebar animation open/close performance.

  • Updated the left sidebar to have an adjustable width.

  • Fixed the warning that is triggered when you attempt to use the same HTML id on multiple components.

  • Fixed a potential client-side error that occurred when resetting a RichText control.

  • Fixed a bug with the new sidebar blocking selection in the builder.

  • Fixed a bug with resetting RichText where resetting the content also cleared all text styles.

  • Fixed inconsistent rendering of escaped line breaks (\\r) in RichText.

    • Before Chrome was not rendering these line breaks and Safari was.
    • Both browsers are now rendering said line breaks as expected.
    • These line breaks can be created by c/p’ing from Microsoft Word on Windows.
  • Fixed a bug where escaped characters were being encoded twice in page URLs.